A pair frying pan flinging fiends attacked a man on the Lower East Side, before stealing his cash and credit cards, police said Saturday.
The 34-year-old victim was nearing the corner of Ludlow and Rivington Sts. about 2:10 a.m. on July 21 when he got into an argument with a stranger, cops said.
As the two argued, five fry guys bum-rushed the victim, police said. At least two of the suspects were armed with frying pans as they beat the man to the ground and took his cellphone, wallet and $220 in cash.
The violent pan-handlers and other suspects, which included at least one woman, were last seen heading north on Ludlow St.
The credit cards in the victim’s wallet were used to rack up $1,200 in charges at area stores, police said.
EMS took the man to Bellevue Hospital with injuries to his head and knee.
Cops on Saturday released surveillance images of the suspects in the hopes someone recognizes them.
Anyone with information regarding their whereabouts is urged to call NYPD Crime Stoppers at (800) 577-TIPS. All calls will be kept confidential.
A Texas man charged with five counts of child sexual assault died after a jury convicted him and he chugged a bottle of liquid in the courtroom, his lawyer said.
Prosecutors in Miami released new video of an OnlyFans model in a violent altercation in an elevator with her boyfriend, who she is now accused of murdering.
The model is accused of stabbing 27-year-old Plano native Christian Obumseli in Miami.
Placer County Sheriff’s OfficeAs the FBI announced Thursday that it was adding 16-year-old Kiely Mai Rodni to its national missing persons database, the search for the girl—who was last seen five days ago at a campground senior farewell party—continued in earnest.Scores of people have flocked to a recreation center in Truckee, the California town from which Rodni vanished, to ask how they can help with the search, according to Cassie Hebel, a friend who spoke to The Daily Beast on behalf of the
A Las Vegas landlord is accused of demanding a woman to have sex with him before renting a four-bedroom home.
“The victims were specifically targeted,” officials say.
The altercation occurred at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport in Atlanta.
The Minnesota mother’s attorneys blame a “well-known” Walmart policy for the fatal fire, according to court documents.
The intruder broke into her apartment in West Kendall. He raped her and beat her so savagely that her eyes swelled shut and she had to dial 9-1-1 blindly.
A woman’s encounter with an Atlanta police officer has gone viral on social media. According to the bodycam footage obtained by 11Alive News, the officer issued a traffic ticket to the woman and her friend for being in a park after hours. When she refused to sign the ticket, things escalated into a seemingly violent arrest.
The boy was playing with a bright orange and blue Nerf gun when an officer yelled at him to get on the ground, a lawsuit says.
A North Texas man drank a large amount of an unidentified liquid and died just after a Denton County jury found him guilty of child sexual assault.
Police have arrested a juvenile in connection with the murders of a mother and her two young sons in Northfield, NH. WBZ-TV's Kristina Rex reports.
Bellevue Police arrested and charged five people suspected of major organized retail theft in the region.
Oregon law enforcement busted an organized crime ring responsible for trafficking 44,000 stolen catalytic converters.
According to an arrest affidavit, the two boys ran up to a man at a gas station and said “Give me all your (expletive) or I’ll shoot.”
A Naples man faces animal cruelty charges after he was arrested in connection with the fatal beating of his Goldendoodle pup, 5 months old.
Medical and psychiatric records of parents of children killed in the 2012 school massacre were among a document dump that included Jones' leaked texts.
Surveillance video caught a robber targeting a woman at gunpoint at the Orange Blossom Shopping Center.
A video of the group walkout at Starbucks in Tonawanda, New York, that went viral last week is the most exposure that a union action has received so far, according to Casey Moore, the 25-year-old Starbucks barista who filmed it.