Let’s face it, 3D printing is still considered a hobby by many in the mainstream consumer tech space. We see toys and trinkets on Thingiverse (the first online repository of 3D models) or shared on Instagram. While it is definitely a technology that hobbyists use, the amazing list of professional, engineering-quality objects being produced on 3D printers is stunning.
On Twitter this week, one of my favorite tech sites, Hackaday, published a post on Casting Car Emblems With 3D Printing by Lewin Day and it started me thinking about how many people will take problems and find solutions with a variety of tech or homegrown devices to create something fun and also useful.
In it, he briefly explains the process of “Lost PLA Casting” that is based on the older method of lost wax casting -- in which you create a part that will get burned away when molten metal enters the mold. He shares a video Casting “Car Emblems - from 3d printer to METAL casting for vehicle restoration - Lost PLA Method” from Youtuber Geoff, aka VegOilGuy, that explains it in detail (video above).
Tweet This: Use #3Dprinting To Re-create Old Car Parts For Your #Vintage Vehicle.
Image Used With Permission from Hackaday
On the surface, you may think these car emblems are simply more of the same -- toys, trinkets, but you can see some intricate detail in the 3D prints that transfer into the metal casting. Now just apply that to any number of areas where you need a metal part and do not have a metal 3D printer (most of them are expensive and take more training to operate than the now-standard fused deposition modeling, FDM, printers using various polymers as the material). But if you are a museum curator and have antique automobiles in your collection, this method might save a collectible item.
I found it fascinating that Geoff modeled this up in a free app ( Fusion 360 has a free option for entrepreneurs and new businesses), 3D printed it in a common polymer/plastic known as PLA, and went through a process to create his own metal product. There are makerspaces around the USA that have metal foundries available, plus most of them have 3D printers. All of this tech and know-how is accessible. Not always easy to find or get to, but certainly do-able.
From Hackaday post: “[VegOilGuy] gets impressive results, with the parts looking excellent in their bronze colour. This is an unconventional color for a car emblem, but it’s noted that this material is an excellent candidate for chrome plating to get a more OEM finish.”
One more example: during our 2014 national roadtrip researching and reporting on 3D printing, we took a weekend off in Yellowstone National Park. During a tour on the famous and historic Yellow Bus, the driver and I were talking about the upkeep and maintenance on these special vehicles. He told me that one of their greatest challenges of using them daily instead of putting them in museums was that parts would break - and there were no easy replacements. The door handles, which you can see in this photo below, would snap off occasionally. It would take months to get a replacement. Again, Geoff’s method, while time-intensive, offers a path for hard-to-find parts.
Tweet This: #3Dprinter work from @Enablethefuture building free #opensource #3DPrinted Hands 4those in need.
To be fair, these 3D Printing and Lost PLA Casting methods may not “save” your classic auto, but for many people keeping the original appearance of an heirloom or antique item is important to them personally. More so, a growing number of people are doing far more than toys and trinkets. Maybe there is a 3D printer in your future - one that might change a small part of the world.