The Holy Cross Energy (HCE) cooperative is holding its annual election and two board of directors seats are on the ballot. HCE chair Dave Munk runs unopposed in the southern distric
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President Joe Biden speaks with Joanna Zelaya, CEO of Chicago Precision, during a tour at United Performance Metals in Hamilton, Ohio, on May 6. (AP photo/Andrew Harnik)
HAMILTON, Ohio – President Joe Biden tr
The new Yamaha Marine Precision Propeller (YPPI) advanced casting facility and foundry in Greenfield, Ind. uses state-of-the-art robotics to significantly reduce lead times and increase production by more than 67 percent, allowing YPPI to deliver more than 100,000 propellers to customers annua
Around midnight on Christmas Eve in 2006, Jonathan Lubecky found himself alone in a Raleigh tavern listening to church bells chiming off in the distance.
In the cold dark streets with tears streaming down his face, he sought them out, but he was really in search of something more — sol
In 1947, manufacturing accounted for 25 percent of GDP in the United States. By 2019, it was down to just 11 percent, and it has slumped further throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Industrial manufacturing—of products such as flow-control pumps, heating and air-conditioning systems, and fo
Youth activists participating in a climate protest in Santa Rosa, California. (Photo: fabola, Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA 2.0)
The Earth is hurtling toward climate disaster as evidenced by many scientific studies, including the latest results from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Cl drove the quantifiable examining on Global Magnesium Casting Market considering a truly lengthy timespan from 2022-2028. The assessment methodology followed are head and plan to give a more tremendous picture of the constant nearly as pushing toward changes that the Magnesium C
May 11, 2022 11:00 ET | Source: BlueWeave Consulting and Research Pvt Ltd BlueWeave Consulting and Research Pvt Ltd
New Delhi, May 11, 202
This story is part of Image issue 10, “Clarity,” a living document of how L.A. radiates in its own way. Read the full issue here.
For a jewelry designer, Maggi Simpkins doesn’t wear the kind of gaudy jewelry you might expect in a world of Jacob the Jewelers and Johnny Dangs. Sitti
October 19, 2021 08:26 ET | Source: IBC Advanced Alloys, Inc. IBC Advanced Alloys, Inc.
FRANKLIN, Ind., Oct. 19, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) --