Scuttlebutt / Calendar - May 5, 2022 – The Sopris Sun

2022-05-14 21:44:20 By : Ms. Joe Chen


The Holy Cross Energy (HCE) cooperative is holding its annual election and two board of directors seats are on the ballot. HCE chair Dave Munk runs unopposed in the southern district, while incumbent Adam Quinton is challenged by Rosanne Casey in its northern district. Members will also vote on HCE’s updated Articles of Incorporation, which were last updated in 1988. Ballots will be mailed out on May 9, but voting is already open online at 

Seed Peace is initiating a new education program in 2022 to introduce agricultural knowledge to high-school-aged youth. Up to 12 participants will engage in hands-on learning one day each week for six weeks. Learn how to register or sponsor a student at

Carbondale Arts is now accepting applications for its summer apprentice program. Youth ages 14-19 have the opportunity to gain creative skills and get paid! Teens will work with a landscape designer to develop custom signage at Coal Basin Ranch. Learn more at 

According to data from the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT), of 302 serious injuries attributed to distracted driving, 205 involved drivers using their phone just prior to the crash. In response, CDOT has launched the “Defeat Distracted Driving Pledge” to remind drivers to remove distractions and focus on driving.

Cottonwood Pass, connecting Gypsum to the Roaring Fork Valley, is now open! Motorists are warned that portions of the road are not paved and there are many sharp turns and steep drop-offs. Oversized vehicles require a permit to travel over Cottonwood Pass.

Garfield Clean Energy, CLEER and Xcel Energy are updating their countywide Energy Action Plan, and they’re looking for volunteers to help. Residents with an interest in energy policy are needed to serve on the energy planning team alongside energy experts, utility representatives and other stakeholders. The process involves three planning sessions held in Glenwood Springs on May 11, June 15 and July 13. Each will last from 10 a.m. to noon, and lunch will be provided. For more information, contact Christina Matzl at or 970-704-9200, ext. 1105.

The Powers Art Center is closed until June 7 for the installation of its upcoming exhibit, “Things the Mind Already Knows,” by Jasper Johns (which opens June 7). The museum’s current exhibit, “Warhol in Colorado,” will remain on display through Oct. 15. The Kids Art Tent, inspired by the Warhol exhibit, will be up every Thursday, June 9 through August 16, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. More details can be found at 

True Nature invites neighbors eager to get in the dirt this spring to help clean up its community Peace Garden ahead of the planting season. The event is intended to be mutually beneficial; the garden gets the love it needs and the volunteer gets into their spring gardening groove. Those interested in volunteering on May 7, from 8 a.m. to noon., can sign up online ( For more details, email 

They say it’s your birthday!

Folks celebrating another trip around the sun this week include: Stan Bell, Frank Betts, Jeremy Heiman, Claudia Prado Zepeda and Sandy Kaplan (May 5); Joe Burleigh, Soozie Lindbloom, Stephen Olson and Maggie Suma (May 6); Amanda Leahy (May 7); Judy Milne, Rick Ross and Karen Tafejian (May 8); Cheyenne Booher, Jillian Livingston and Karen Crownhart-Nieslanik (May 9); Kay Bell and Chris Perry (May 10); Mark Chain (May 11).

Mark your calendar! Sopris Sun cartoonist Larry Day presents work at the Aspen Chapel Gallery in partnership with EcoFlight. The show is called “SOAR” and will run from June 1 through July 9.

TRAUMA RELEASE The Center for Human Flourishing presents a two-part Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) training. The intro session is from 7 to 8:30 p.m. on May 5, with a workshop on May 7 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Third Street Center. RSVP by emailing

LIBRARY CONCERT Musical storyteller Seth Brown performs at the Glenwood Springs Library at 6 p.m.

FAMILY BLOCK PARTY Celebrate First Friday in downtown Carbondale with a family block party at the 4th Street Plaza, with live music, games and more. Event proceeds benefit local youth and family education/programming and Colorado Animal Rescue.

FIREBALL DROP The Carbondale Rotary Club presents its Fireball Drop at Sopris Park at 5 p.m. — sharp. Up to 1,000 numbered ping-pong balls will be dropped from a fire truck ladder and the closest to hit the center target earns one lucky winner a $5,000 grand prize. Visit for more information and to purchase ping-pong balls. 

PRIDE PARADE Carbondale’s annual pride parade travels down Main Street at 5:30 p.m.

EARTH DAY CONTINUED 350 Roaring Fork invites the public to join a First Friday march downtown at 6 p.m. Listen for the brass band to know where to go!

CRYSTAL THEATRE “The Duke” screens at the Crystal Theatre through Monday, except at 5 p.m. on Sunday.

BIKE-A-THON Basalt Middle School presents the second annual Bike-A-Thon fundraiser. This year, participants can choose between three distance options (one mile, 10 miles or 25 miles) and ride on their own day between May 7 and May 14, or join the gathering on May 14 from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Details at

GARDEN CLEAN-UP Get dirty in the Peace Garden with True Nature from 8 a.m. to noon. Details at

TRE WORKSHOP Jacy Sundlie and Jacquie Wheeler lead a unique Trauma Release Exercises (TRE) workshop, meant to invoke neurogenic muscle tremors for a positive benefit, at the Third Street Center from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. To learn more about the technique, visit

COMMENCEMENT CEREMONY Colorado Mountain College graduates students at their Spring Valley Campus at 9 and 11 a.m. and 1 p.m. 2022 Colorado Teacher of the Year, Autumn Rivera, will provide the keynote presentation. Details at  

HEALTH FAIR La Clinica del Pueblo and 9 Health host the Glenwood Springs Feria de Salud from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. It is requested but not required to register ahead of time by calling 303-698-4455. 

TREE PLANTING The town of Carbondale invites you to help plant a tree at Sopris Park at 10 a.m. in celebration of Arbor Day. Coffee, donuts and tree education will be provided, plus the opportunity to meet the town’s new arborist, Carl Meinecke.

MAYFAIRE Waldorf School on the Roaring Fork hosts its spring Mayfaire celebration from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. and invites the community to join the fun. Visit for more info. 

PLANT SALE Yampah Mountain High School students host a plant sale fundraiser on campus (695 Red Mountain Drive, Glenwood Springs) from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

COMICS FESTIVAL Garfield County Libraries and Tesseract Comics invite you to celebrate comic books at the Glenwood Springs Library from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. There will be games, crafts, artist talks, a cosplay contest and more. Info at  

CASTING CALL Queer-identifying Roaring Fork Valley residents are invited to audition for the Queer Voices Theater project by VOICES from 3 to 5 p.m. at the Third Street Center. Participants must be 18 years of age or older. To register, email

THRIFT SHOP PROM KDNK hosts a prom-themed dance party fundraiser at the Arts Campus at Willits at 7 p.m. Tickets at

MICROSOFT WORD Learn intermediate techniques for Microsoft Word software from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. at the Basalt Library. For more info, email Amy at  

FLOW AND IMMERSION Eliza Demarest hosts a three-hour yoga reset and cacao ceremony at Kula from 2 to 5 p.m. More info at

GMAIL BASICS Get to know the basic functions of Gmail at the Basalt Library from 1:30 to 2:30 p.m. Registration and more info are available at  

LEGAL CLINIC Basalt Library hosts a free self-help legal clinic from 2 to 5 p.m. Volunteer attorneys will assist people one-on-one via the computer. To sign up, call 970-927-4311.

C-LINE TRAIL BUILD Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers invites volunteers to help form the new downhill route on Red Hill, dubbed the C-Line Trail, from 4 to 8 p.m. Registration and more details can be found at  

CONTACT IMPROV Contact improvisation is “a conversation between bodies using the language of weight sharing.” Learn more at The Launchpad at 5:30 p.m. For guidelines, visit

RAMS ART SHOW Roaring Fork High School holds its annual Visual Art Show at the school’s library today through Friday, May 13. The exhibit is open to the public. 

HAPPY HOUR DANCE Katrina Toews teaches a drop-in dance class at The Launchpad from 6:15 to 7:30 p.m. 

HIGH COUNTRY SINFONIA The High Country Sinfonia spring concert series performs at The Arts Campus at Willits on May 12 at 7 p.m., at the Old Thompson Barn in River Valley Ranch on May 14 at 7 p.m. and at the Aspen Chapel on May 15 at 2 p.m. Admission is free with a suggested donation of up to $20.

FARM TO TABLE DINNER Kick off your Dandelion Day celebration with a night of mingling and local food prepared by L’Orto at Craft Coffee beginning at 5 p.m. Tickets at www. 

TEA CEREMONY All ages are welcome to join Fudō-an Tea & Wellness for a Japanese tea ceremony at the Carbondale Library at 5:30 p.m. The event is free but space is limited. Register by calling the library at 970-963-2889.

PRESCHOOL BENEFIT Blue Lake Preschool invites folks to its Sip, Savor and Support fundraising event at the Orchard in Carbondale from 6 to 10 p.m. All proceeds benefit the Blue Lake and Little Blue preschools. Tickets and info at  

COHENHOVEN Indie artist Joen Van Horne, known as Covenhoven, performs at The Arts Campus at Willits (TACAW) at 8 p.m. Tickets at

WORK DAY Roaring Fork Outdoor Volunteers gets to work at Rifle Gap State Park from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. To register, visit

ART, HEALING & HOPE Sheri Gaynor hosts an in-person and virtual workshop at The Art Base from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Details at

DANDELION DAY Carbondale’s annual spring festival begins with the Parade of Species at 10 a.m., marching from outside KDNK on 2nd Street to Sopris Park where artisans will sell sustainably-minded clothing, tinctures, soaps, jewelry and more. As always, there will be plant starts, live music and a beer tent hosted by KDNK from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

BIKE WEEK Celebrate National Bike to Work Week with bicycle enthusiasts at the Carbondale Library from 1 to 2 p.m. Then, on Sunday, mechanics will help you tune up your ride from 1 to 5 p.m.

AFRICANA DANCE Join the Africana Village of Peace Project in Ghana for a traditional dance class live streamed at The Launchpad from 10 to noon. No experience or registration required.

ECSTATIC DANCE Join Alya Howe and DJ Mama Ale for an ecstatic dance at 13 Moons Ranch from 6 to 8 p.m. Questions? Email or call 970-309-2582.

BOOK-SIGNING The Glenwood Springs Citizens’ Alliance presents an author talk and book-signing with Paul Andersen, author of “The Town that Said ‘Hell, No!’ Crested Butte Fights a Mine to Save Its Soul.” The presentation begins at 7 p.m. at the Hotel Colorado.

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