By Adam Barnhardt - June 15, 2022 04:23 pm EDT
Bringing an Egyptian crocodile god to life wasn't an easy feat for the Moon Knight crew, with a handful of departments and dozens of crew members focused solely on the one character. It all started, however, with a practical suit that could be on-set for the motion reference actors portraying the god. Moon Knight costume designer Meghan Kasperlik shared a batch of behind-the-scenes images of the suits Wednesday afternoon, showing off just how intricate of a design the suit really involved.
"Even though Amit is not featured until the end she was one of the first characters I started building upon arriving in Budapest," Kasperlik said in her Instagram post. "There was a custom leather corset, a life like custom made metal cobra sitting on a metal chest armor, the most insane hand beaded dress and hair pieces made out of leather and braided cording. Never in my wildest dreams would she come so alive."
Four photos were shared in total, including a close-up shot of the cobra metal casting located on the costume's chest, a beautifully designed corset, and then a final shot of everything all together.
"This was absolutely a labor of love and she [Aleanza Zanon] created not one, but two dresses (just in case), for the actress to wear over the skirt," Kasperlik added of the character's corset. "This beaded dress is reminiscent of the infamous Egyptian dress that is displayed at the Boston Museum and I was so pleased how it turned out."
On-set, Ammit was played by Sofia Danu and voiced by Saba Mubarak once VFX teams got the modeling of the character completed.
Moon Knight is now streaming in its entirety on Disney+.
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