Q: My husband and I inherited this Millard Judd oil painting when his mother passed. It has Judd’s signature and a 1968 date on it. The subject is of Payne's Landing. On the back of the frame is an old, printed description that time has not been kind to, as well as his signature and address. We are wondering about its approximate value and how to sell something like this. Thank you for your time. — C.G., Internet
A: Millard Judd was born in Starke and was an Ocala resident until he passed away in 2018. He produced rural Florida landscape scenes mainly covering North Central Florida in oils, watercolors, pen and ink drawings, and prints. Currently there is very little interest in his work. Now is not a good time to sell your painting. I think it would be a lucky day if you got $100 for it. You might try placing an ad in the newspaper. Burchard Galleries in St. Petersburg has sold some of Judd’s paintings. The website is burchardgalleries.com. Good luck.
Q: A friend in Ocala suggested that I contact you for help in identifying a cast-iron cauldron I purchased at a small shop in Taneytown, Maryland. I am interested in who made the piece and how old it really is. All I can tell is that it was made in England. Thanks in advance! — C.McG., Lincoln Park, Michigan
A: I had no luck in finding the manufacturer of your cast-iron three-leg pot. The photograph seems to show the mold mark to be a duck inside a circle. The molded words made in England indicate production to be after World War I. Perhaps some insight might be gained by talking to cast iron collectors. This website will get you to them: castironcollector.com. Good luck, and let us know if you have luck.
Q: I have a Shmoo wall clock. Mine is yellow, and my brother has a blue one. We got ours in the early 1950s for each of our bedrooms. Do you have any history on them? Do they have any value? Thank you for any information you can give us. — T.P., Internet
A: In general, most clock collectors are not very interested in Shmoo wall clocks. Shmoo clocks are looked for by Comic Character Premium collectors. The Shmoo plastic wall clock was first produced by the Lux Clock Company in 1948. Currently I think the Shmoo clock you have would sell in the $100 range, perhaps more on a lucky day.
— John Sikorski, with more than 35 years of experience, is an Ocala-based antiques advisor, consultant and broker. Send your questions to Sikorski's Attic, c/o The Ocala Star-Banner, 2121 SW 19th Ave. Road, Ocala, FL 34471-7752, or email absantique@aol.com.