30 Pieces Of Art Up For Auction To Raise Funds For Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari | Scoop News

2022-06-18 23:23:29 By : Ms. celina Huang

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An original drawing by James Ormsby, Elizabeth Thomson’s cast bronze cabbage tree moth, Hollie Tawhiao’s mixed acrylic on wood and a sculpture from distinguished artist Fred Graham ONZM are amongst the works that have been donated by 30 renowned New Zealand artists.

The nature and conservation-inspired pieces are part of a live and silent auction that aims to support Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari’s mission to create a safe place to translocate the critically endangered Kākāpō.

Works include a mixture of artistic mediums including photography, paintings, illustrations, ceramics, sculpture and a contemporary tukutuku a traditional Māori art form.

The pieces that have been donated are exceptional, with many of the artists having represented Aotearoa New Zealand nationally and internationally,” says Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari chief executive Phil Lyons.

Hamilton-based artist and curator of Ramp Gallery Hollie Tawhiao’s donated piece titled King of the Mountain is laden with symbolism and meaning. “I considered every aspect of the design to reinforce the precarious situation for kākāpō survival today”, says Tawhiao.

Tawhiao’s work depicts a star in the centre with 18 points. A reference to the when - at their lowest - only 18 kākāpō could be found.

“The maunga silhouettes are of Maungatautari, Whenua Hou, Te Hautoru o Toi and Anchor Island. The latter three are the current predator-free sanctuaries for kākāpō with Maungatautari joining as the potential fourth”.

Her work aptly depicts the perilous situation, showing that without help, the kākāpō would most likely be extinct within our lifetime.

“By purchasing a piece of art from our auction, you can take home a piece from a renowned Aotearoa New Zealand artist and also support real, on-the-ground conservation,” says Lyons.

Ten pieces have been selected to feature as part of a live auction at an event on Thursday 9 June at Lake Karapiro. BiteLAB, a sub-brand of Montana Group, is providing food and beverage for the occasion.

BiteLAB is a supplier for the Ka Ora, Ka Ako Health School Lunches programme and the partnership hopes to introduce schools and tamariki to the important conservation work of Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari.

“The valuable work that Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari has done and continues to do for conservation across Aotearoa is world-leading. BiteLAB is proud to be supporting this awesome cause. We are so excited for our tamariki to continue their learning about conservation and environmental protection in a stunning environment like Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari”, says Montana Group Director Dallas Fisher.

Beyond the 2022 breeding season, there are very few, if any, safe sites with sufficient breeding habitat to expand the kākāpō population.

Sanctuary Mountain Maungatautari offers the only safe mainland habitat to expand the growing kākāpō population.

For over two years Ngāi Tahu and Te Papa Atawhai-Department of Conservation’s Kākāpō Recovery Team have been working with mana whenua Ngāti Korokī Kahukura and Sanctuary Mountain®

Maungatautari. The plan is to transfer up to ten kākāpō in the final quarter of 2022.

The event Mauri of the Maunga has also kindly been sponsored by Vidcom, Waipa District Council, The Framing Workshop and Mighty River Domain. The event will feature all artworks on display and will feature entertainment and conclude with the auctioneering of the 10 items.

The auction items are available to view, and bidding is open now. To show your support and bid on the auction, visit galabid.com/kakapo

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