WASHINGTON, D. C.—The following bids were received on July 27, by the commissioners of the District of Columbia, for furnshing 193 tons cast iron water pipe specials: Item 1, on New England Waterworks Association's specifications; item 2, on D. C. standard patterns and specifications; Standard Cast Iron Pipe and Foundry Company, Bristol, R. I., item 1, $50.40; United States Cast Iron Pipe and Foundry Company, Philadelphia, Pa., item 2, $58,20; Lynchburg Foundry Company, Lynchburg, Va., item 2, $4.1.45; Glamorgan Pipe and Foundry Company, Lynchburg, Va., item 2, $49.60.
BENTON, Pa.—Water company has awarded contract for erection of a steel water tower to the Des Moines Bridge and Iron Company.
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